Lamox Pvt Ltd


Website Development

Experience a seamless online presence with our expert Website Development services. Our team of skilled developers crafts user-friendly and visually appealing websites, customized to suit your unique business requirements. Whether you need a responsive e-commerce platform or a professional corporate website, we ensure a flawless user experience and efficient functionality, resulting in increased customer engagement and conversions.

Search Engine Optimization

Unlock your website's potential with our strategic Search Engine Optimization (SEO) services. Our team employs the latest techniques to improve your search engine rankings and boost organic traffic. Through comprehensive keyword research, on-page optimization, link building, and content optimization, we ensure your website gets the visibility it deserves. Watch as your website rises through the search engine ranks, attracting targeted visitors and driving meaningful results for your business.

Social Media Marketing

Harness the power of social media platforms with our impactful Social Media Marketing (SMM) services. We create and execute tailored strategies across popular social networks to engage your target audience, build brand awareness, and drive conversions. From compelling content creation to targeted ad campaigns and community management, our SMM experts ensure your brand stands out amidst the digital noise, fostering meaningful connections with your audience and amplifying your online presence.

Website Designing

Make a lasting impression with our innovative Website Designing services. Our team of designers blends creativity and functionality to craft visually stunning websites that reflect your brand identity. We create intuitive user interfaces, captivating visuals, and seamless navigation, ensuring a memorable user experience. With attention to detail and adherence to modern design trends, our Website Designing services result in eye-catching websites that leave a lasting impression and effectively convey your message to visitors.

Email/ SMS Marketing

Drive customer engagement and boost conversions with our targeted Email/SMS Marketing services. We develop personalized campaigns that deliver the right message to the right audience at the right time. From captivating email newsletters to timely SMS promotions, our marketing experts help you nurture customer relationships, promote special offers, and maximize your ROI. With compelling content, smart segmentation, and effective automation, our Email/SMS Marketing services ensure your brand stays top-of-mind and drives customer loyalty.

Content Marketing

Ignite your brand's online presence with our result-oriented Content Marketing services. We create compelling and value-driven content that resonates with your target audience. From engaging blog posts and informative articles to captivating videos and visually appealing infographics, our content experts craft tailored strategies that attract, engage, and inspire action. By leveraging storytelling and optimizing content for search engines, we help you establish thought leadership, enhance brand credibility, and drive organic traffic, ultimately converting visitors into loyal customers.

Website Packages

Are you ready to take the next steps to grow your business?


Suitable for new businesses just getting started
  • Basic logo
  • Premium Template
  • Basic SEO
  • Premium Theme
  • Content upload
  • Stock images
  • Upto 4 Pages
  • 1 revision
  • 2 consultation calls
  • Time: 2-4 weeks
  • Copywriting
  • Sales funnel
  • Analytics setup
  • 3 months free maintenance
  • VIP tech training & support


Full blown website and business solution for businesses who want to thrive online
  • Digital Products (optional)
  • Premium Logo
  • Custom Design
  • Brand font and colors
  • Conversion copywriting
  • Wireframes Design
  • Adv. SEO
  • Sales funnel
  • User journey map
  • Upto 10 pages
  • 4 revisions
  • 8 consultation calls
  • VIP tech training & support
  • Analytics setup
  • Personalised strategy & advice
  • 3 months free maintenance
  • Time : 6-8 weeks


Suitable for business that want to generate sales and make an impact online
  • Premium logo
  • Brand font and colors
  • Custom design
  • Basic SEO
  • Wireframes Design
  • Analytics setup
  • Upto 6 Pages
  • 2 revisions
  • 4 consultation calls
  • 1 month free maintenance
  • VIP tech training & support
  • Time: 4-6 weeks
  • Copywriting
  • Sales funnel
  • 3 months free maintenance
  • VIP tech training & support